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Pre-K MATH Workbook


This workbook is a compilation of all of our topical pre-k math worksheets. It includes over 100 basic math worksheets suitable for children from age 4 onwards. The workbook will save you a lot of time in your planning as it covers all the essential pre-k mathematical concepts you should go through with your preschoolers.

The workbook consists of seven units and the mathematical concepts covered are:

  • Shapes

  • This unit includes 15 basic shapes worksheets (circle, square, triangle, rectangle and oval). This unit helps your children to recognise basic shapes, matching shapes, identifying shapes in pictures and counting shapes.

  • Colors

  • This unit lets your children learn colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white, grey and brown) through creating their own color book.

  • Same & Different

  • This unit includes 16 same and different worksheets. The activities help your children to recognise pictures, shapes or patterns that are either the same or different from the rest in a group.

  • Spatial Concepts (left, right, top and bottom)

  • This unit includes five basic spatial concepts worksheets great for reviewing your children's understanding of positions (top and bottom) as well as directions (left and right).

  • AB Patterns

  • This unit includes eight AB patterning worksheets with shapes, colours, sizes and objects. These activities allow your children to practice continuing and creating AB patterns.

  • Numbers 1 to 10

  • This unit includes 33 numbers 1 to 10 worksheets. These activities are perfect for learning to recognise numerals, trace numerals as well as count one - to - one correspondence.

  • Measurements - comparing size, length and height

  • This is our best seller unit. It includes 18 measurement worksheets focusing on size, length and heigh comparison. It helps children understand basic measurement and comparative terms such as big, small, bigger, smaller, biggest, tallest and same size, etc.

Check out some of the sample pages below.

Click the cover below to get your copy now!

Pre-K Math Workbook

You can also download each individual topic. Click on

the pictures below to find out more.

Shapes Workbook for Pre-K
AB Patterns Workbook for Pre-K
Spatial Concepts Workbook for Pre-K

Same & Different Workbook for Pre-K

Numbers 1 to 10 Workbook for Pre-K

Color Book for Pre-K
Measurement Workbook for Pre-K

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