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AAB and ABB Patterns Worksheets and Activities for Kindergarten

Little Dots

Download a set of 8 worksheets and activities on AAB and ABB patterns suitable for kindergarten level. The activities help your children practice to continue and create AAB and ABB patterns using shapes, colors, sizes and objects.

Kindergarten AAB, ABB patterns worksheets

When you download this set you will receive:

  • 2 worksheets on AAB and ABB patterns with shapes

  • 3 worksheets on AAB and ABB patterns with colors

Create AB patterns with colors worksheet

  • 2 worksheets on AAB and ABB patterns with objects

Pre-K AB patterns worksheet

  • A worksheet on AAB and ABB patterns with items of different sizes

AB patterns activity for pre-k

Click on the link below to download the AAB and ABB patterns bundle set.

or click HERE to download free sample pages.

Please take note that these worksheets are meant for revisions and additional resources. I do not recommend using it as your main activity. Please make sure that you have done enough hands - on activities before doing these worksheets with your child or students.

Follow us on Pinterest for some fun and hands-on activities to teach patterns.

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