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Pre-Writing Printables for Preschool


There many different pre-writing activities that you can do with your little ones such as newspaper tearing, playing with play dough, blocks building, scribbling, putting macaroni in bottles, scooping, using pincer to pick up poms poms and loads of other activities. All these hands-on activities help develop your children's fine motor muscles and fingers dexterity to prepare them to learn to write later on.

When your children are able to hold their pencils with good grip, tracing practice help them gain better control of writing tools. I have created a set of tracing printables suitable for pre-k and kindergarten children. The set includes 10 different activities with fun illustrations to help your children trace different kinds of lines.

Preschool Pre-Writing Printables

I designed these pre-writing printables slightly differently so that other than tracing you have the options to get your kids to observe the pictures and practice counting, compare sizes, identify identical pictures, etc.

Check out some of the printables includes in this set below.

Preschool pre-writing printable
Preschool tracing activity

pre-writing activity for preschool

pre-writing printable for preschool

tracing printable for preschool
tracing and drawing lines activity for preschol

Click on link below to download the pre-writing set

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