There are so many different ways to teach your children how to read. Some think that phonics are not effective while others have different opinions. Hey! It is okay. There is no one right way to teach your children something. Every child is different and it is good to experiment and try out different things to find out what works best for your child.
From my years of teaching, I have seen children who just magically start reading book, some as early as 3 year old, some through phonics, word games, etc.
Word families had helped me when it comes to helping beginner readers. So, today I am sharing a set of short vowel a word family worksheets. These simple written activities are perfect for revision after you have explored the word families with your kids through games and fun activities. You can find a great list of ideas from ICanTeachMyChild's 30+ Hands On Word Family Activities and of course on Pinterest (Every teacher's best friend).
This set includes eight worksheets and activities on word families -at, -ag, -ap, and -an. You will find links to the download page as well as free sample pages at the bottom of this page.
Four simple fill in the missing letters worksheets, ideal for introduction for word families -at, -ap, -an, -ag.
Another four different activities of various layouts, suitable for revision after your children are very familiar with the word families
Click on link below to download the short vowel a word family bundle set
Or click HERE to download some free sample pages from the set.
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